Working with whānau

Te hunga hauā mauri mō ngā tāngata katoa
forms the foundation of CCS Disability Action’s identity.
All people have a unique life force.

Ko tā mātou e tuku nei
What we can offer

CCS Disability Action provides support, information and advocacy for whānau hauā, tamariki and taitamariki across Aotearoa. Our team offer a range of support services to meet the needs of your whānau using kaupapa Māori principles.

These services include:

  • Good information. We support you to access information to provide a pathway of choices and opportunities.

  • Community connections. We hold Karanga Maha hui on local accessible marae to hear the aspirations of whānau hauā.

  • Navigating your options. We support your Mana Motuhake (having control of your destiny) to have the life you want.

  • Advocacy. We support you to speak for yourself or your whānau or provide independent support with other organisations.

At the heart of CCS Disability Action’s vision is a society where all people are included in the life of their community and whānau. As part of our commitment to tangata whenua we have helped develop an Accessible Marae Toolkit, to help kaumatua and disabled whānau remain connected to their marae. We also work with hapū and iwi to identify and remove barriers that prevent people from achieving their goals.

If you would like to learn more about CCS Disability Action’s services, connect with a Karanga Maha roopu near you please contact your local branch.


Very High Needs Service