Access Aware update

Kia ora,                                                                                   

As you may know, the Access Aware app has been on pause since 27 July 2022 while we investigated options to rebuild it to be more accessible and ensure it continues to meet the needs of all users.

Following a lengthy process, we are saddened to announce that we will not be able to move forward with the rebuild and have made the decision to cease this service for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, the prohibitive development costs involved prevent us from delivering the inclusive experience our users deserve.

This decision has not been taken lightly, and every effort has been made to find a suitable alternative. We will continue to seek solutions for better reporting of mobility parking abuse, as well as lobby the government for increases to penalties for infringements.

As always, when one door closes, another one opens. CCS Disability Action made a submission on the petition of Claire Dale to make mobility parking enforceable on all public-use property and increase fines. Government Ministers were very encouraging of the petition and plan to provide an update in May 2023. CCS Disability Action expect to be part of these ongoing conversations to find a national solution.

On behalf of the wider team, we would like to sincerely thank all Access Aware users and contributors. Your support has enabled us to gather valuable data on mobility parking space abusers and wider accessibility issues, which has been used to drive awareness within key groups such as central and local governments. We appreciate your contributions to the app throughout its lifespan.

Kindest regards,

Raewyn Hailes (she/her)
Regional Access Coordinator for the Central region
Access Aware Coordinator

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to Raewyn on or call 0508 227 322.


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