Te Whare Poipoi
What does Te Whare Poipoi offer?
Te Whare Poipoi is a short term residential respite option for children and young people from birth to 16 years who have high and complex physical care needs.
We offer:
Planned respite in a caring, homely environment.
Large, fully accessible five bedroom home.
Fully fenced, secure section.
Individual bedrooms.
24 hour care, 7 days a week.
Van with hoist.
Outdoor play area & equipment.
Tactile play.
Arts, crafts, music.
Opportunity to access community activities.
Who are we?
Te Whare Poipoi is funded by the Ministry of Health and has been serving families in our community for 15 years. We are an experienced, dedicated team
committed to providing a safe, secure and fun environment for children and young people so that their families can take a break with confidence.
Our team receive ongoing training and competency assessment to ensure the highest possible level of care. We are also certified by external auditors
against the Health and Disability Services Standards.
How to enter the service
Te Whare Poipoi is open to children and young people who meet the disability criteria set by the Ministry of Health. Referral channels are through Disability Support Link in Waikato, and Support Net - Kupenga Hao I te Ora in the Bay of Plenty.
Te Whare Poipoi staff offer a home visit to meet your family and learn about your child’s needs and interests. Parents, caregivers and children are welcome to visit Te Whare Poipoi by arrangement.
All children and young people have a care plan completed with parents/caregivers input.
If you're interested in more information or would like to get in touch, we would love to hear from you.