Waikato toy library

About our library

Toys and activities for disabled children, youth and adults.

School aged girl playing

Our library has over 1,200 toys and activities. We have many specialised sensory and switch toys, small and large toys, puzzles, CD’s, DVD’s, books and games. To check out the catalogue, click here.

The library is for children, youths and adults with a disability.

  • You may borrow up to four items. If you live in Hamilton, you can borrow items for two weeks. 

  • If you live outside of Hamilton, you can borrow items for up to a month.

To become a member or for more information, check out our brochure and membership form.

Visiting us

The library is located at: 17 Claudelands Road, Hamilton.

Click and collect pick up and drop off times are below. You are also welcome to come and choose toys in person. If these hours are not possible for you, please get in touch.

Tuesday 9.00am to 4.30pm

Wednesday 9.00am to 12pm

Thursday 12.00pm to 4.30pm


For more information about how to join or to make an appointment, please contact the Toy Librarian.

Phone number: 0800 227 2255 or 07 853 9761
Email address: Waikato.Admin@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz