Transition service

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What is Transition?

Thinking about what’s next after high school can be an exciting, but daunting, time for many families. This can feel more challenging when your child needs additional support to work towards their goals. Like many teenagers, they might not even know exactly what their goals are yet!

Our transition service supports young people between the ages of 16 and 21 years old who are thinking about leaving school in the next year or two. Our aim is to support your child and your family to plan for a good life after high school. We can help you take the steps needed to create a meaningful and more independent life in the community.

I had high expectations and they’ve really delivered. The team have done their best for my son and followed through on what he wanted.

What can you and your child expect from us?

CCS Disability Action is committed to a flexible, partnership approach. This means we don’t claim to be the experts in young people’s lives. Instead, we work alongside your family, your child’s school, and any other professional support people in your life. We use this combined knowledge as a basis to add our own support, experience, knowledge, and skills. Together, we work out the best ways of making young people’s hopes and dreams a reality.

Three woman sitting together outdoors, smiling. The middle woman has her arm around the other women on either side of her. A wooden fence and trees are visible behind them.

Stepping Stones to Success: While the support we offer each person is different, here are some of the things you can expect:

  • We will be involved for one year, starting at any time throughout the year.

  • We will create a Transition Service Plan with agreed stepping stones and outcomes. You and your child will have an active role in shaping this and also in delivering on aspects that are relevant to you.

  • You can expect clear communication, regular updates, and opportunities to provide feedback.

  • We focus on young people in the context of their wider life, so we offer flexible supports to suit the needs of an individual.

What’s different about us?

A young man seated at a desk using a laptop on a stand to bring it closer to him. An older man stands beside him, pointing at the screen. A third, partially obscured person is also at the desk.
  • We’re not about fitting people into existing services. Instead, we offer one-on-one support. A young person’s skills, interests, and aspirations guide the work we do.

  • We have access to a range of youth-focused events and programs that your child can choose to suit their interests. We also have established community networks to connect young people with opportunities that best suit them.

  • Our experienced team can offer personalized mentorship and guidance to build young people’s confidence and knowledge.

  • Because our service takes a holistic approach, we’re not afraid to think outside the box to support young people to achieve great outcomes.

How do you access our service?

There are several ways to access our services:

  1. Referral from your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Agency (NASC).

  2. Referral from your child’s school: Usually, a special education needs coordinator (SENCO) will guide you through the referral process.

  3. Your ACC case manager.

  4. Self-referral: We’re happy to talk to you directly. We can discuss whether your child would be a good fit for our supports or provide other relevant information.

Note: Transition services are free to families.